Helping Women Find Meaning And Personal Empowerment After Divorce

Unleash Your Brilliance

12-week workshop and course designed to help women find their inner strength and confidence and discover and heal those limitations that are keeping them stuck and unfulfilled, while connecting with their self, spiritually.

Informational Video --->


Right now you're...

1. feeling unfulfilled in 1 or more areas of your life and aren't sure why

2. never seemed to get over the divorce

3. feeling like you aren't meant to have all the things you want in life

Are you standing in your own way of having the life you want, but you are not sure how or what to change?

You spend most of your time doing all you can to make it in your career. Are you being passed over for promotions or try to take on more work so you are appreciated? If you focused on your career and never really dealt with what happened you may be harboring unresolved feelings that are keeping you stuck.

There is something holding you from going after and getting the things you want in life. You see others happy and wonder what they are doing that you aren't.

There's in easier way to finding a deeper meaning and satisfaction in your life, and I want to show you the way.

In Unleash Your Brilliance, I will show you the EXACT steps to put the past behind you and become the confident, empowered and strong woman I know you are in order to realize your best life yet!


  • having fulfillment and meaning in your life
  • having a healthy, loving, supportive relationship where you are treasured
  • having a life full of inner peace and happiness
  • being confident in yourself and your decisions to go after your dreams
  • take care of your needs instead of everyone elses

Ready for results like this?

Enroll Now

This step-by-step program will work for you...

☑ EVEN IF you don't believe you deserve happiness or it's not possible for you
☑ EVEN IF you feel overwhelmed and don't think you have time

☑ EVEN IF you don't trust yourself to make the right decisions

12 weeks from now you can create a life of empowerment, independence, happiness and peace after putting the past behind you and moving forward with confidence and inner strength and healing

Here's What's Included in Resilience After Divorce

12 week interactive course and program including the following...

Section 1: The Ultimate Heart Healing Blueprint

  • Learn the strategies on how to deal with overwhelming emotions in a healthy way in order to move beyond them
  • Learn the art of letting go and how to trust again
  • Learn how to deal with fear, shame, self-judgement to eliminate it in your life

Section 2: Self-Love To The Rescue

  • Together, we will understand and overcome those things that are keeping you stuck
  • Learn how to establish heatlhy boundaries
  • Cultivate a mindset of self-compassion and self-care
  • Focus on personal growth

Section 3: The Secret Sauce to Dreams Come True

  • Discover what is your life's purpose so you can live your life with meaning
  • Learn the skills and rituals on how to attract those things
  • Learn the power of gratitude and forgiveness and be free from the past


Bonus #1 Introductory Pricing

Value: $400 off

Bonus #2 1:1 Free Coaching Session

Value: $300

In 12 weeks from now you can have...

The confidence to go after your dream job, ask for a raise, or even start your own business

A new outlook of inspiration and positivity toward your future

Inner peace without fear of being in another bad relationship

Empowerment to stand up for yourself and go after what you truly want for your life

Reignite the inner strength that is inside of you

Reduce Stress and have more work/life balance

Pricing: $1397 $400 off

$997 Introductory Pricing

Class runs 9/18 - 12/4 @ 7:30 - 9:30pm Easter time.

Truth is, recovering from divorce may be painful, but it doesn't have to define who you are or what you can accomplish

After completing the course and 12 week workshop, I will provide up to 2 additional 1:1 sessions to help breakthrough any barriers if you don't feel you have made a transformation

Question and Answers

How long do I have access to the course?

You have lifetime access to the course and materials

How many and how long are each module and what is the time committment?

There are 12 modules in total, all are 30 to 45 minutes with some activity to follow. If you do the recommended pace and attend the weekly calls, your time committment would be appx. 2.5 - 4 hours per week.

What is the recommended pace of the course?

The recommendation pace is to complete 1 module per week that would coinside with the weekly workshop. This gives you time to do the activity and absorb the material. However, you can go at any pace you feel comfortable with.

What if I can't make the group session?

The replay is available to listen to. You can also submit questions that can be addressed on the call even if you don't attend or you will receive a response via email or DM.

What if I can't afford to pay in full?

Payment options are available upon request. Select book a call and we can go through the plan over the phone. You may also purchase just the self paced course without coaching sessions.

How does working in a group benefit me?

Working with other women and hearing their stories and healing journey and knowing you aren't alone, can be a tremendous help in your own healing.

What other support is available?

You can submit questions via e-mail directly and receive a response within 24 hours. You can also post on facebook for other support within the group. Be assured you will not be alone in this process.

Now it is time for some #realtalk
There are 2 costs to every decision.

COST 1: The cost of taking action. In this case its to put the divorce behind you to start living your best life, full of confidence, happiness and empowerment!

COST 2: The cost of not taking action. In this case is to spend years missing out on opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery and finding what truly makes you happy. Continuing to feel stuck, limited by self-doubt and negative beliefs, unable to reach your full potential. Living in fear of your own decisions or ending up alone or in another unhealthy relationship.

My Story.

My name is Cheryl Harbison and I am a certified Life Coach focusing on divorce and abuse recovery.  After finding the courage to leave my abusive and toxic marriage, I thought my life would get better.  It was better in the sense that I wasn’t being abused anymore, but I was dealing with the overwhelm of raising my children as a single parent and I was left with little self-esteem and no confidence in myself.  I was burdened by guilt and shame for what had happened. 

Instead of finding the support and help I needed, I just pretended I was okay and stuffed my feelings far away.  Unfortunately, not dealing with what had happened led to many unhealthy relationships, unhealthy habits and not being the best mother, I could to my children.  


It took me years to finally realize it was time to find the life and happiness I deserved.  With help from coaches and mentors, I found my way to my healing and recovery, and I am dedicated to teaching you everything I learned so you can realize and start living your best life too!